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Etat Circle Lead [rekrutacja online]

Firma: ING Tech Poland miejsce pracy: Katowice

Circle Lead [rekrutacja online]
Miejsce pracy: Katowice
Szukamy Ciebie jeśli:
  • If you have excellent team (people) management skills (empowerment, people development, motivation)
  • If you have knowledge about managing the outsourced operational processes (volumes management, constant optimization, SLA management, keeping excellent performance standards, communication with partners)
  • If you have experience in stakeholders management
Dodatkowo zapunktujesz za:
  • Encouraging others to look for non-standard solutions through thinking beyond company's current tools / processes
  • Having a proven track record of outstanding achievements.
  • Consistently achieving results while maintaining high performance standards.
  • Focusing on key objectives, even when facing obstacles or failures
  • Shared service organization and procedures
  • Project management knowledge
  • Knowledge about Agile way of working
  • Knowledge of cards or/and Antyfarud Market
Informacje o Zespole:

It is new Operation Circle consisting of 2 CLTs with two areas of responsibility: claims and alerts handling for anti-fraud alerts generated by an internal fraud engine, additionally rule writers as direct reports (being part of squad Risk Application). Together 20-25 direct reports. Servicing countries from ING group.


  • contract of employment
    type of contract
  • 8:00 - 16:00
    work hours
  • Konduktorska 35, Katowice
    this is the location of our office
Scope of duties:

50%- Is a direct manager for chapter/circle/teammembers - conducts recruitment and periodicconversations, develops training plans,proposes career paths and carries outactivities resulting from the role of themanage
30%-work with team on continuous processimprovement, operational excellence
10%-Encourages the team to pursue ambitiouschallenges. Recommends decisions on strategic priorities and emphasize company goals
10%- Coordinates large/cross team initiativesthat go beyond the organisation level.Influences and proposes solutions aimed atprocess optimization.
Your development
  • professional development
  • certificates and knowledge development
  • training budget
  • access to the newest technologies
  • international projects
  • free English courses
Your health, well-being and family
  • provate medical care
  • 50% funded Multisport Card
  • bicycle parking
  • chillout rooms
  • integration events and Stay Fit program
Working conditiions
  • stability of employement
  • fully equipped workstations
  • kitchen
We kindly inform you that we will get in touch only with the chosen candidates.

If you agree for processing your data for future recruitment offers, we will keep the data for a year.

All information concerning the way we process personal data can be found here here.

Pozostałe oferty pracy w firmie ING Tech Poland
Etat Administrator systemów - Devops Engineer [rekrutacja online] w firmie: ING Tech Poland miejsce pracy: Katowice 31-12-2021
Etat Business Analyst [rekrutacja online] w firmie: ING Tech Poland miejsce pracy: Katowice 27-12-2021
Etat Analytical software engineer [rekrutacja online] w firmie: ING Tech Poland miejsce pracy: Katowice 27-12-2021
Etat Workplace Cloud Architect - Microsoft 365 [rekrutacja online] w firmie: ING Tech Poland miejsce pracy: Katowice 27-12-2021
Etat DevOps Engineer – Administrator infrastruktury i aplikacji biznesowych [rekrutacja online] w firmie: ING Tech Poland miejsce pracy: Katowice 27-12-2021

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Data dodania: 21-05-2021
Wyświetleń: 165